For real. It's been a crazy year so far and I just hope everything gets better soon.
Most people listen to my songs and their first reaction is usually: "It's good, but I don't see it fitting anywhere". And that folks is how my life has always been. Too weird for the masses, yet somehow appealing if you abstract from conventions. It's a life philosophy leaking through my music, and personality. And sometimes I try (I really do) to be normal, but it just doesn't feel right. I feel like an alien all the time. And I secretly like how that feels.
And it's not that I don't care. I do care, but I also like to explore. I like to create things. Even if it makes no sense. I like to dream and I'm sure most of you know that dreams are never uniform, they never make sense. But they still do you know?
That is the great thing about Newgrounds. Everyone belongs.